Snow Days - First Week Of February
Hey guys, I know I still have to write a post about the "letter to myself" written at the orientation, and I will soon, but today I wanted to tell you about these past few crazy days, the weather, the snow, the delays, and the school closures.
I came back from the ski trip, which I wrote about, on Saturday night and it was already pretty cold and we knew it was gonna snow soon. At Monarch, where we had just came back from, it was already snowing, since like 2/3 pm.
It started later and it fell over night too, but in the morning it wasn't bad at all, it was white around, but not on the streets. In the afternoon it started again and it came and left, but at the end of the day there was enough snow and school on Monday was closed. Monday was even worst, it snow the whole day, and of course they closed on Tuesday as well, and also Wednesday due to the bad streets. Thursday we had two-hours-delay, which means that school started at 9:30 instead of 7:30. They monitored still over night and they might have close, but I'm glad they didn't, I was so bored at home. Anyway a lot of snow fell. Here, where I live, it was around 20 Inches, which is 50 cm. But up in the north of the city, not that far from my school, in Falcon, it reached 5/6 feet, which is 160/80 cm, the pictures are pretty amazing. The reason for the delay on Thursday was, beside the unsafe streets, the cold. The temperature in the morning were supposed to be around -18°C. On Thursday night it snowed again, but not much. We didn't have closure or delay for Friday but they should have done something because it was pretty bad. Well, I guess you understand that the week went by fast hahaha. Now the weather is way better it's supposed to be sunny and pretty warm for a couple o weeks. I actually don't now if and when I'll write the post about the letter because I the next one will be about the SuperBowl so I'll see :)

Ehi :) So che vi avevo detto che avrei scritto un posto sulla lettera, scusate, se riesco lo farò questa settimana. Oggi volevo parlarvi del tempo che abbiamo avuto di recente e delle varie conseguenze e chiusure. Sono tornato sabato sera dallo snowboarding e faceva già abbastanza freddo e sapevamo avrebbe nevicato. A Monarch, dov'eravamo a sciare, già cadevano fiocchi un paio d'ore prima che partissimo. Ha nevicato la sera tardi e di notte, ma di mattina non era poi così male, era bianco ma le strade erano pulite. Nel pomeriggio ha nevicato molto, un po' a momenti, e lunedì hanno chiuso le scuole. Lunedì era anche peggio e quindi martedì hanno chiuso. Dopodiché ha smesso di nevicare ma le strade erano davvero brutte e hanno chiuso anche mercoledì. Giovedì abbiamo avuto un entrata posticipata alle 9, non tanto per la neve quanto per il freddo, c'era -18°C. Alla fine c'era molta neve in giro, qui dove vivo io era attorno ai 50 centimetri ma più a nord vicino alla mia scuola era attorno al metro e mezzo. Giovedì sera e notte ha nevicato di nuovo e le strade erano brutte il giorno seguente, avrebbero dovuto chiudere o almeno mettere un ritardo ma non l'hanno fatto, siamo arrivati a scuola tardi per il traffico. La settimana è ovviamente passata veloce. Ora fa caldo, ci sono 10/15°C ed e previsto bello tutta settimana. Non so se riuscirò a scrivere un post sulla lettera, vedrò. Il prossimo sarà sulla finale del campionato di football americano, il SuperBowl, che si è giocato domenica :)
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