Se ci penso mi sembra ieri quando, per la prima volta, sono entrato in quella che sarebbe diventata la mia scuola... Il primo giorno di Liceo, la IV Ginnasio, nuovi compagni di classe, persone sconosciute che, col tempo, sono diventati amici.
Mi sembra ieri quando ho deciso di fare l'anno all'estero... Gli incontri con le varie organizzazioni, le ricerche su internet, le discussioni con i genitori, l'esame di ammissione, le pratiche da compilare. Già, sembra ieri, eppure sono trascorsi mesi, anni. Ripensando a tutto questo non posso fare a meno di rendermi conto di quanto io sia cambiato, di quante cose siano diverse... Tutto questo mi fa rendere conto di come il tempo passi, indipendentemente da noi, dalle nostre scelte, tutto scorre.
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I'm Coming! |
Seize The Day - Horace
Carpe Diem. Ho deciso di intitolare così questo post per ricordare a tutti che molte occasioni potrebbero non ripresentarsi, che si vive una volta sola. Mi sono reso conto della velocità con cui il tempo passa e che un giorno potrei avere rimorsi, pentirmi per cose che non ho fatto, per paura, per noia, per pigrizia. Questa è una delle ragioni fondamentali per le quali ho scelto di fare quest'esperienza, è un'occasione unica e non intendo lasciarmela sfuggire.
Perciò vi dico questo: scegliete ciò che ritenete giusto, vivete al meglio la vostra vita ma, soprattutto, Cogliete L'Attimo!
English Translation
If i think about it it seems yesterday when, for the first time, I went into what would have become my school... First Lyceum day, the IV Ginnasio, new classmates, unknown people who have become friends. It seems yesterday when I decided to do the year abroad... The meeting with different organisations, the searches on the net, fighting with the parents, the admission test, the documents to fill in. Well, it seems yesterday, even if it was months, years ago. Thinking about all this I can't do without realising of how much things are changed, of how much I have changed... All this make me understand how the time elapses, free from us, from our choices, everything flows. It's incredible that 7 months have already passed from when the countdown was still 273 from the moment that would have changed my life. Today, that number is 58. In less than two months I'll take the plane to do my life's most important travel. The question of everybody is 'are you ready?'... Yeah, I am. Sure I am, how couldn't I be? This doesn't mean I'm not scared, because I am, a lot of things could go wrong. What I'm sure it's important, that I'll undertake to do, and that I refer as an invitation to all those who will be exchange students, is to bear down to leave this experience in the best way, to grow up, to change.
Seize The Day - Horace
Carpe Diem. I decided to entitle this post with this quote by Horace to remember to everybody that a lot of occasions couldn't introduce anymore, that we live just once. I realised how fast time flies and that a day I could have regrets, I could repent for things I haven't done, because of fear, boredom, laziness. This is one of the main reason why I have chosen to do this kind of experience, it's a special occasion and I don't want to let it escape. Therefore I tell you this: choose what you think it's right, live you life in the best way but, most of all, Seize The Day!
English Translation
If i think about it it seems yesterday when, for the first time, I went into what would have become my school... First Lyceum day, the IV Ginnasio, new classmates, unknown people who have become friends. It seems yesterday when I decided to do the year abroad... The meeting with different organisations, the searches on the net, fighting with the parents, the admission test, the documents to fill in. Well, it seems yesterday, even if it was months, years ago. Thinking about all this I can't do without realising of how much things are changed, of how much I have changed... All this make me understand how the time elapses, free from us, from our choices, everything flows. It's incredible that 7 months have already passed from when the countdown was still 273 from the moment that would have changed my life. Today, that number is 58. In less than two months I'll take the plane to do my life's most important travel. The question of everybody is 'are you ready?'... Yeah, I am. Sure I am, how couldn't I be? This doesn't mean I'm not scared, because I am, a lot of things could go wrong. What I'm sure it's important, that I'll undertake to do, and that I refer as an invitation to all those who will be exchange students, is to bear down to leave this experience in the best way, to grow up, to change.
Seize The Day - Horace
Carpe Diem. I decided to entitle this post with this quote by Horace to remember to everybody that a lot of occasions couldn't introduce anymore, that we live just once. I realised how fast time flies and that a day I could have regrets, I could repent for things I haven't done, because of fear, boredom, laziness. This is one of the main reason why I have chosen to do this kind of experience, it's a special occasion and I don't want to let it escape. Therefore I tell you this: choose what you think it's right, live you life in the best way but, most of all, Seize The Day!